All abstracts are submitted through the online submission site, before May 3rd, 2024.

The length for general talks is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions while keynotes are 30 minutes long plus 10 minutes for questions The invited talk for our honoured speaker, Prof. Mark V.H. Wilson,  will be 45 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions, preceded by a 10-15 min presentation. Please, try to get in time to the facility for a timely development of the schedule.

We recommend you give us your presentation before the beginning of the session in order to make easier the working of the scientific sessions. The organization will provide all technical equipment (PC computer with most recent Windows, laser pointer and microphone). We advise you to bring your presentation in different formats (ppts and pdf) in order to avoid possible technical problems related with the different software versions.

Oral contributions will take place in the Ernest-Simard amphitheatre (F210) at the UQAR. Sessions and schedules are provided in the program.

All scientific posters will be exposed in the virtual platform during the celebration of the congress, so they must be sent in the specified format. Deadline for the sending of the posters is 17th June. The posters from in-person attendees will be exposed in the “Atrium” and holders for the exposition will be provided for the Organizing Committee.

The size for all posters (both in-person and virtual modality) is A0 (841 mm width x 1189 mm long)

It is mandatory to send the poster to the email address in PDF format.

We will create a small session for virtual posters on the 20th June from 17:30 until 18:00. Authors who contribute to the congress with a virtual poster could expose their work in this session. In addition, virtual attendees will be able to ask questions about the poster to in-person authors. For this last reason, it is important that people with a poster contribution also attend this session.

Your submission must be fully consistent with the following terms:

  • research specimens referred to in your presentation are deposited in an appropriate, publicly accessible, repository and that other relevant data are destined to be made available in full at the time of publication.
  • All work reported must have been conducted within the legal and ethical frameworks of the country in which it was carried out.

By submitting your abstract, you are agreeing to prepare an oral presentation or a poster presentation for the 17th ISELV. If you are unable to attend, you are also confirming that you have arranged for an alternate presenter to give your presentation in your absence.

Abstracts should clearly state the goal of the study and include relevant information on specimens or taxa examined, methods, results or findings, and the significance of the results.

  • A maximum of 200 characters (including space) is permitted for the abstract title.
  • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title (unless for abbreviations or proper nouns) and do not end the title with a period (“.”).
  • Authors’ names are listed as “last name, initial(s).”, use `;` to separate the authors’ name
  • Affiliation for each author with a number in parentheses
  • A maximum of 2500 characters (including space) is permitted for the abstract body.
  • Five keywords separated by semi-colon (“;”)
  • Do not include citations, references, figures, captions, footnotes or ad hominem statements.

Abstracts failing to follow these guidelines will be returned to the authors. Each abstract will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.


Be sure to check all of your entries thoroughly before selecting the “SUBMIT” button.

The first author of the abstract must be the presenting author. You may change the first author after the first author is entered. To assign someone as the first/presenting author, click on the name of the author and check the box “Presenting Author”.

Abstract Submission on-line

After the symposium, we will have a clear idea of the number of possible contributions to the special volume at the Canadian Journal of Zoology in honour of our colleague Mark M. V. Wilson. We welcome any contributions related with the congress topics. Our main goal is to compile a volume where all the early/lower vertebrate community is represented, thus, all your contributions are welcome. The deadline for submitting your contributions will be 31st October, but if you have problems to complete your work before this date, please contact us in order to consider an extension.

All papers received will be peer-reviewed and published online as they are accepted and edited. You must follow the “Author guidelines” provided by the journal at

We expect to publish the physical volume during the spring-early summer of 2025. Papers are welcome, with a limit of 30 pages and with full colour figures free of charge. If you have any question related with the Special Volume, please contact directly Dr. Alison Murray (